So this is my simple observation: When deciding to embrace a self-motivated ambition, choose a definition of success that your aunt in Peoria would understand and find impressive. This is not about succumbing to the status quo, but instead setting yourself up to receive the brutal but useful feedback needed to eventually start producing things too good to be ignored. – Pursue Metrics that Matter, Cal Newport
I’ve been thinking of making my workflow vim-centric again, just because.
Then this got me thinking:
Getting better at vim will give me nothing. It will not get me closer to any goal I have now.
PhpStorm works perfectly fine. It’s heavy, yeah. But so what? My machine can handle it pretty good.
Ewan ko ba bakit na attract ako sa idea na of “get better” at vim. It does not provide value. What I mean is, the effort I will put in it does not convert to something of valuable.
Pursue metrics that matter. Getting better at vim does not matter. Getting better at coding does. Better yet, getting better at achieving goals that improves my life is the thing that truly matters.
Focus on getting better at creating things instead.