The time after Christmas and before New Year is a perfect time to stop and reflect.
There’s a lot of downtime. Almost everybody stops working. There’s minimal pressure to work.
Looking back makes me relive the good stuff. It also makes me think about how could I better handled the bad stuff.
Looking forward gives me clarity where I want to go. If I have that vision in mind, I have a reference to check if I’m still on the right track and reassess if I want to continue the path I’m in.
Questions I ask myself to kick-start my introspection:
- What’s the highest point of my year?
- How about the lowest point?
- What’s the biggest lesson I learned?
- What’s the most significant realization I had?
- What change did I do that had the biggest impact?
- What did I do that I’m most proud of?
- What did I do the I’m most ashamed of?
- What’s the happiest thing that happened?
- How about the saddest thing?
- How about the most unexpected thing?
- Am I still heading to where I want to be?
- What am I aiming to do next year?